My American friend, Kate (she lives in Switzerland), and I had been wanting to do this trip for a while, and we finally made it!
I took the train from Bern to her place in St.Prex, about a 1.5 hour ride, and stayed the night.

The next day we had a very early start, 5am, and caught the 6.10am train to Geneva. From there, we switched to the French train, and traveled through the countryside for about 2.5 hours, when we finally arrived in Lyon. It just so happened that one of my best friends from San Diego, was in Lyon for the week with her husband. We caught up for breakfast and tea, and then braved the long walk to the old part of town, crossing 2 bridges across the rivers Rhone and then Saone.

We spent the day walking about 15 miles, and listening to online walking tours that brought us to the traboules (click on link to learn more), the secret passageways all over Lyon. Fascinating history lesson, indeed.

There are so many delights in Lyon, the colorful buildings, churches, cathedrals, views from the mountain top, traboules, restaurants, stores, narrow alleyways, roman ruins, and so much more.

Please enjoy these images of our day trip!


BERN IN B&W, 2022
